Back to school time can be tough, not only for parents and kids, but for pets, too. They get used to seeing us around the house and being with us 24/7. When everyone is gone, what’s a lonely pup to do? Hopefully not eat your sofa – but it has been known to happen!



To help ease the transition, try incorporating some of these ideas into your new school routine:


1.  Prep for School

If your child’s classes haven’t begun yet, start preparing your pet now. For a week or two leading up to the first bell, plan some activities away from home. On the first day, stay away for a couple of hours, then gradually increase the time you’re gone.


2.  The Same Old Routine

Pets thrive on routine and a sudden change can be stressful and disorienting. Think about the parts of your pet’s current routine – meals, walks, training – that can stay the same, and try to stick to the established schedule.


3.  New and Improved

For any routines that must be altered, replace them with new ones. For example, if you can no longer walk the dog in the morning because you’re driving your child to school…why not just take your pup along for the ride?


4.  Boredom Busters

Imagine being all alone without anything to do all day long. You can’t even get yourself a snack even though the fridge is right there! After a few days or weeks of this, you might come up with some…ahem…creative ways to entertain yourself. Head boredom off at the pass by leaving your pet with interactive toys that engage his mind and body.


5.  Daycare Days

If your pup is dog-friendly and well socialized, think about taking her to reputable doggie daycare a few times a week. She’ll get lots of physical and mental stimulation, along with plenty of attention from the staff.


6.  Home Run

Not all dogs are social or love to hang out in big groups. And my cats Turdie and Olivia seem to think “kitty camp” is a terrible idea. Luckily, if your pet is a homebody, there are plenty of experienced dog walkers and cat cuddlers who are only too happy to drop by and entertain your furry family member while you’re away.


7.  After School Special

Talk to your children about how much your pets miss them when they’re at school. Encourage them to spend some quality one-on-one time with their special buddy when they get home. This might mean playing together in the back yard, talking to them about what they learned, or curling up on the couch and doing homework or reading out loud with the pet by their side.


8.  New Year, New Responsibilities

Including kids in pet-related chores is a great way to teach compassion and commitment. So with each new school year, give your child a little more responsibility when it comes to your pet. Make sure tasks are age-appropriate so that both kid and critter are set up for success!


9.  Avoid the Dog Pounds

We’ve all heard of the Freshman 15 but what about the Fido 5? Even just one or two extra pounds can have a detrimental effect on your pet’s health. With school in session, chances are he’s not as active as he was during the summer. So take a second look at his diet and adjust meals and treats as necessary.


10.  Class Act

Yes, you can teach an old (or young) dog new tricks! And why should kids have all the back-to-school fun, anyway? Fall is the perfect time to sign your pooch up for a new training class. Depending on where you live, you might find options that range from obedience to agility to canine choreography!

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