When school’s out, you and your kids may spend much more time at home, which is great news for your pet. But because they spend little to no time at home alone, go on lots of walks, and participate in fun summer activities, when summer ends, your pet is forced to accept a sudden, stressful change in routine. The transition can be especially difficult for pets with separation anxiety, or those closely bonded with younger family members.
Even if you wanted to you can’t be with your pup at all times. Exercise is important to your dog’s mental and physical health, but finding time during busy days can be difficult. Call Happy at Home today! We will take your pet for a midday jaunt —only a few minutes outdoors can make a big difference for your pet.
If you’re looking for someone who’ll go bananas every time they see your dog or cat, knows them so well they notice one hair out of place, speaks their language, knows their favorite treat AND movie and most of all become their second favorite human in the whole world, then you’ve found the right person! Lisa resides in Westerleigh and is a Dogtec Certified Dog Walker, NYC Certified in Animal Care and Handling, FEMA Animals in Disasters Certified, a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Feral Colony Care Specialist and Red Cross Pet First Aid Certified.