“Paws of Gotham” is the fourth annual calendar aimed at raising funds to rehabilitate and re-home animals from high-kill shelters across the United States. “Paws of Gotham” was shot by famed South African photographer Candy Kennedy. The images she captured focus on the diversity of both people and pets, while highlighting the strong human and pet bond. Each month features a stunning photo of a real rescue pet, most from Louie’s Legacy, with a celebrity, influencer or model and is shot in front of an iconic NYC scene. Candy Kennedy, along with celebrities, influencers and models such as Mario Cantone, Maggie Geha, Brett David, KhrystyAna and Chef Rōze Traore, just to name a few, have all donated their time and efforts for this important cause. This year’s calendar is a departure for the rescue for several reasons and of course it is the quintessential gift for the upcoming holiday season. Each calendar is priced at $19.99 plus shipping. The calendar is 8-1/2″ x 11″ opening to a 17” x 11 horizontally oriented with a glossy finish. Now accepting pre-orders for the calendar. Pre-orders will ship after November 14, 2017.
If you’re looking for someone who’ll go bananas every time they see your dog or cat, knows them so well they notice one hair out of place, speaks their language, knows their favorite treat AND movie and most of all become their second favorite human in the whole world, then you’ve found the right person! Lisa resides in Westerleigh and is a Dogtec Certified Dog Walker, NYC Certified in Animal Care and Handling, FEMA Animals in Disasters Certified, a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Feral Colony Care Specialist and Red Cross Pet First Aid Certified.